Friday 21 October 2011

Book review: Panic by Jeff Abbott

PanicPanic by Jeff Abbott
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Panic by Jeff Abbott

I really wanted a book that I could race through and finish quickly, just so I could up the pace. This book unfortunately didn't do that.
It started off great. You're introduced to Evan Casher and his life. He's an interesting likable character, even if he's a bit mushy when discussing Carrie, his girlfriend. Then his life starts to go downhill as his life is revealed to be something different to what he knows. But around a third of the way through the book, my interest dwindled. There were too many characters, too many acronyms (CIA, FBI, MI5...) and the pace just stopped. I also didn't really care about the other characters, especially Evan's dad Mitchell, or the bad guys. Even the technology was too complicated and it went too far into the unbelievable. I understand that this isn't going to be fact, but at least it should be based on truth.
In the end, what would have been Abbott's twist in the story, was very predictable. So, just three stars from me. I still need to find a book I would give more than three stars!

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